Girl, you're hiding something for him. How i knew it? Answer's Wrote on your face and your behavior. At first i thought its not true but when i look at you, your eyes told me everything. Why? You're standing at his side? or i misunderstanding you? NO! ALL IS JUST AN EXCUSE! AND NOW I'M NOT GOING TO HELP YOU FIND ANY EXCUSE FOR ALL THIS SHIT. You're hiding something for him its your fault. If you had promised him something that you couldn't say it out, you can just let me know, i can understand that but you didn't . And don't you remember what you had promised me? Never try to hide something between you and me. We talked,we shared our secret,we shout, I trust you. I TRUST YOU! THAT'S WHY I KEEP FIND EXCUSES TO TELL MYSELF ITS NOT TRUE! But you disappointed me. I know that you will say i misunderstanding you, but don't you know one day you didn't explain things will become worst and worst. I thought from the past experience you will get to know how importance "explain" is. And now the answer i get from you is you don't. I'm trying my best not to get this relationship worst but i can't, i can't keep this, i want to say it out, i want to let you know how i feel. I will still wait for your explain everything to me. Still waiting... and you know who you are girl. You know.
It's like what Donut told me, rule number one in friendship never trust anyone. And now i'm going to trust just a few friends, wanna know who they are? Is D,Q,E,A,C and R. You guys know who you are ;) and i love you guys. <3 Although R you're still mad at me but i still trust you and i want you to know that i love you. It's not i don't greet you for your birthday, is sometime 有些事情就是那么巧, you locked your wall and my phone had left 0.03cent. See,很巧吧.I swear, its really not an excuse, is 世界上就是有那么巧的事嘛. You can't blame me la. okay? You know that i love you, you love me, we're happy family 就好了嘛.right? So don't mad at me okay. I promise i'll be back with your present and it will be two present. on? (: HAHA. love you.
mmmhmmm. okay, done here for today. To be continue~ Bye. night. <3 x (: