Wednesday, December 1, 2010

you’re just plain RACIST.

Source :

The different types of Chinese girls in Brunei

In the last post, i shared about the typical types of Chinese boys in Brunei, well, lets not exclude the typical types of Chinese girls we always see around in Brunei~hehehehe, as i mentioned earlier, i am not a sexist=P [yes, you're not, but you're a hardcore racist!]
Let’s start off with the most obvious, the “CHMS” types of Chinese girls, CHMS refers to the chinese secondary school in B.S.B, they have almost the same type of hairstyle, they dress, though in different colours but their style are almost similar, and you can even guess their age by how they dress, age 12-16 wears mini shorts, mini skirts and T’s, age 17-21 fancy, designers and superstar look alike outfits like as if everyday’s a red carpet ceremony for them, they dont speak english, [we don't? WOW. are you study in CHMS to notice that? or just based on rumours that CHMS-ians just learn the Chinese languange and nothing else? we, in fact do SPEAK and WRITE freaking English!] their mandarin are ridiculously difficult to understand at times, [HUH? you are just making that up I reckon. clean your ears before listening to what WE say. are you Chinese at all? just admit you don't nderstand any Chinese word rather than bashing us not knowing how to speak our mother tongue!] they go out in groups where there’re be more girls than boys, their facebook contains thousands of friends whom they BARELY know, and their english quotes where they always post in their facebook and msn messenger are seriously L.A.M.E. because its always emo-ish and lovey dovey-ish. [okay, this really pisses me off! it's not just the CHINESE who do this, you jerk! Malays do it. Other races do it too! you're just jealous they have 1000+ friends?]
Next, is the “Malay wanabe” types of chinese girls, they hang out with malay friends, trying to act like a malay and speak funny ass bruneian malay language but still their malay language still sucks. Its very easy to spot them because they are the only chinese in a malay group of friends. [HALT! hold on. I bet you're a MALAY. for the record, we CHINESE, do not want to be a Malay! go ask people, preferably Chinese about their impression of Malays. BTW, there are also some Malays who do not speak their own language that fluently and they can't freaking pass their MALAY!]
“Slutty bitch-ass” types of chinese girls are the worst of all, they act mature, they smoke, their besfriends are boys, their worst enemies are girls, they gossip and they change boyfriends like changing their ‘pms tissue thingy’, why because there are seasons where these girls are single for a long period of time, when a time comes where men desperately hunt for women, these type of girls will be the prays, gosh come on bros! u gotta’ be an idiot chasing after these kind of girls! [completely offended by this statement. I admit that some Chinese do fall into this category, but I think you are categorising it wrongly. people who act mature, smoke, etc consist of people of other races too! AND, gossiping is what people do! It's our nature, you wierdo. you sure live in a small small world of your own, don't you?]
Fellas, beware of the “Talk too much crap” types of girls, they talk too much crap!! they complain about the same thing, they talk about the same topic, its like watching the same episode of their life over and over again! how annoying can it be, there’s no full stop to that for them, oh yeah, i forgot, the topic i im talking about is their relationship, their boyfriends, everytime they click you in msn, they’ll start talking about their boyfriends, complain this, complain that, GAWD!! if your not happy, just break up!!! think twice before making friends with these type of Chinese girls okay? [WHOA! SOME NOT ALL. I happen to know a friend who is half Chinese whose friend is a Malay who always talk about those you mentioned above! Yes, my friend feels annoyed.]
finally, well, there’re more actually, but im just focusing on the typical types only, so lets see what we have here, ah yes! the “ Im not sure if….” type of Chinese girls, have you ever wonder why whenever you try to give some tips and advice to a girlfriend, and she just stubbornly never follow your tips or advices? well now, here’s a revelation for you~ haha
they always go “hey, i need you help, im not sure if he wants to do it for me” OR~ “hey bestie, im reli no sure if he reli means it” OR even worse “im not sure if i love him or not” wtf with that? silly isnt it? and it doesnt matter, if it’s an answer from the Buddha himself or if it’s from the devil itself, they’ll still go “im not sure if…” uuuuughhhh..[= = I'm just so lazy to comment on this one. AGAIN, not CHINESE ONLY!]
these are just my observations, its okay if you really disagree with it, but well, this is what i saw with my own eyes :p [you're colour blind. you see that skin tone --> Chinese --> those types above. you should thank me for noticing that so that you can go see a doctor asap.]

GROW UP! Oh wait, you’re 21 already. I pity you.

 RED: cousin friend
BLACK: racist.

Its comments from my cousin friend and its so fucking true. (: (Y) <333333! MUAHAHA!